Friday, April 29, 2011

Here comes the hat parade!!

Ah, the royal wedding. So many crazy effing hats!!!

What the hell is that!?

This one above was crazy sparkly
(look a shiny!)

I bet she gets great t.v. reception with that hat!

Look at the size of that one!
(yes, yes, that's what she said!)

It looks like a gravy boat on her forehead O.o

O.k. I have to admit, I actually almost like this one.

I for one would have gone with something more appropriate, like these:

Well, off I go to battle dust bunnies and the evil that is soap scum. Hurrah.


  1. i like the last one, the guy with beers, xd

  2. I'll just stick with my fishing and military hat thank you

  3. Bwhahaha! I would totally wear the hell out of that beer helmet.
