My name is Katie, at the moment I'm a stay at home mother of 3 who is currently apprenticing to tattoo, also I sell paintings on the side. I dabble in most crafts. My newest passion is the amazing things my sewing machine can help me create. I make jewelry, hair accessories, masks, silk screen, mobiles, paint furniture, and a bit of this and that in between, basically if you dream it, I can create it in one form or another.
I'm a perfectionist who doesn't have the time to be perfect, I'm modest and arrogant, I love to be barefoot, I hate when my tummy is exposed, I change my hair constantly, I love the sound of my wind chimes on a breezy day, I pick things up with my toes, I keep my fingernails short, I love old black and white photos, hula hooping always makes me smile... so does the movie Anchorman, I think nacho cheese Doritos and Shiner are a food of the gods, my favorite time of day is twilight, I make wishes on eyelashes and stars, music affects my mood considerably, I believe in gay marriage and I'm pro-choice, I respect other peoples religious views regardless of what they are or how judgmental they are of mine, I can't stand hypocrites or liars, my favorite color is green, I love when it rains on a sunny day, and I can find something beautiful in the ugliest of situations. (wow, what a huge run on sentence)
Well that's it for now, next time I promise to be more stimulating.
Modern day renaissance woman